One Planet Matters is busy expanding its growing networks - Environmental change with social responsibility. One Planet Matters supports and creates networks of groups and organisations. The focus is to create environmental change through enabling activities. Collaborating with and supporting others to create networks that are environmentally positive and socially responsible. School children support vulnerable groups by growing fresh healthy food, community orchards bring people together and create food to share. Biodiversity is improved by the planning of growing areas and the planting of orchards and community woodland. Health and well being is supported by the activities and children and young people develop their understanding of social responsibility by supporting both the planet and society. What isn't there to like about that?
These are some of the projects we have on this month
Veteran's Growth - Sussex. An organsiaiton providing support through therapeutic horticulture for ex-servicemen and women and their families - We are supporting the further development of their growing area as well as providing 30 orchard trees.
Gorseybrigg Primary School - Derby - We are developing a growing community by providing raised beds, developing habitat and improving biodiversity, as well as a orchard stock for November planting
Libanus lifestyle South Wales - We are supporting the development of a growing community and providing a mini orchard. This is a fantastic small scale community project that will make a big difference to the community
To find out more, visit our web site or contact us directly. If you want to find out more about our growing community network then email
